
At first glance - why intern?

Be it a school work placement or a year-long internship for your college course – our company offers you exciting insights into the world of work. engelbert strauss is highly diverse – we are a brand, manufacturer and retailer all in one. You have the choice: customer service, retail, logistics? Just what you need to see the bigger picture right?

Did you like it, and give it your all? This will boost your chances of securing one of our apprenticeships or degree places!

LEONIE & MEIKE completed an FOS 12-month work placement at our company where they were able to test their strengths and then start a wholesale and export trade apprenticeship.

Leonie (l.) – “After year 10 at school, I chose to attend a technical secondary school specialising in ‘economics and administration’. My work placement confirmed that this is the right career for me, which is why I applied and was accepted for the wholesale and export trade apprenticeship!“

Meike (r.) – “Choosing Strauss for my 12-month work placement was the perfect decision for me. I was able to work in a number of different departments and found out a lot about myself and what I want.“

Thinking about launching your career with a work placement at engelbert strauss?
Click here for more information.

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